consonants and vowels [ 17 December 2004, 5:36 p.m. ]

i enjoy regina spektor. she makes me sing along at the top of my lungs, even when she is not really singing words, but more strange noises. details. i go with it.

i just licked far more envelopes than one should lick in one sitting. i feel sick. it keeps making me think of the episode of Seinfeld when George's fiance dies from licking cheap envelope glue. i hope i don't die.

we're going to see lemony snicket tonight! yay for movies! and yay for unfortunate events! well, if they are in a movie.

tomorrow is the rockette spectacle, which, let's just say, should be amusing. my mom is stoked and A is less than enthused. i'm somewhere in the middle. i hope my brother brings his flask like he threatened/promised to.

i like consonants and vowels.

so, i'm totally becoming chatty mcchatsalot buddies with this woman at work, who, seriously, i've worked with for 3 years and we've never really talked. she's just a few years older than me but is in a consulting role, while i'm the head office bitch. but we're working together on a project of sorts, so we've started chatting beyond work stuff, which is kind of funny. and strange. but she gives me all the gossip on the staff, so i can't complain.

in the past week, i've indicated to three separate office people that i have a girlfriend. in response to "are you bringing anyone to the holiday party?" and questions such as that - i just came out and said, "yes, my girlfriend, A". i usually just don't ever talk about my personal life in the office, but it's coming up more, and well, if they don't know i'm a big judy by now, well, then they deserve any surprises that come their way. one of the people who now "officially" knows is new buddy mcchatfriend, and since she gives me all the gossip, i'm sure she'll be spreading this one. but again, it can't be a shocker. i feel good about it.

i'll be making christmas cookies on sunday, in holiday shapes such as cowboy boots, jalapeno peppers, and coyotes.

now i've prattled on and about for too long. and to all a good night!

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