everything's eventual [ 2002-06-25, 5:35 p.m. ]

i am frustrated. i think it is fair to be frustrated, considering.

condsidering what?, you may ask. but i probably won't tell you, Constant Reader*.

i will just say this.

i hate being second best.

maybe that's the wrong phrase. maybe it's more like second priority. which. is even worse, somehow.

but that's it. i hate being second priority.

especially when she says i'm first best.

* Stephen King uses this term in all of his Prefaces. Now, i'm fully aware that I don't have a million people all clamoring to read my every word, heck, i don't even have ONE. but i still like the personification that these words allow. and i have taken to realizing this is kind of cool, this pretending to write for an audience thing. I say pretending, because, I don't have an audience, nor do i really want one, but these are details. minor. also, the title of his newest book, and the one i'm reading now, is Everything's Eventual. And really, those two words seem like they could really sum up my entire life right now. Everything's Eventual. of COURSE everything's eventual. but _sigh_ sometimes, TOO eventual.

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