caffeine and nicotine [ 26 July 2002, 9:36 a.m. ]

i've started drinking iced coffee. for those that know me (and i'm hoping that's no one, frankly), this is HUGE. i do not drink coffee! i am the girl with no vices. i don't smoke, i don't do much caffeine, i'm not a chocolate or sugar freak, and i don't imbibe (of the alcohol variety) all that much in general (coke and budlight don't count :)

however, i am going to blame current company. she's got me hooked on some new things. to name a few:

a) the above-mentioned iced coffee

ii) doritos

3) running

well, two out of three ain't bad, right?

i've had a wonderful morning. there's not much better in the free world than the "cuddle snooze" (even when the alarm goes off at 5:30). traffic was a dream (or as dreamy as traffic can be). the oft mentioned "coffee" kept me awake and alert to the third degree. pete yorn (LOVE him) and ers kept me singing. and parking was a breeze.

what could be better?

i'm a big fan of parenthesis.(and death, i think, is no parenthesis)

(i miss her)

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