little wings [ 29 July 2002, 10:39 a.m. ]

whoa. a whirlwind weekend. wow. wonderful. (there are a lot of descriptive "w" words, huh?)

about 16 hours driving in three days, and too many miles to think about on the car. details.

a good time had by all. well, most of the time.

by the time we were almost back, things got interesting. we were slap-happy. we were singing and dancing and sticking our heads out of the windows. we were laughing. SO hard. at each other. with each other. perma-smiles on our tired faces. genuinely happy to be there with each other. maybe not in the car. but with each other.

she does the cutest things sometimes. it kills me.

i love how we are with each other. how natural and FUN it is. and i love how people can tell that we just can't get enough of each other. it's just refreshing.

i've never felt this invested in someone, in something before. it's the scariest thing i have experienced. but SO damn wonderful. so comfortable. so exciting.

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