such great heights [ 09 June 2003, 12:05 p.m. ]

it rained a lot on saturday. we fought. well. let me clarify. when we "fight" there is a lot of non-talking. for example. she was tired and cranky on friday night and got upset at something i said. and then. that was it. no more talking to me. she just withdraws until she has time to make sure everything is ok in her head. and no amount of talking can get her to explain it any other way than "i just withdraw". and with that she gets very cold and indifferent. which i can't stand. at this point, i'm wondering where my traumatic experience with this is hiding, because if there is one thing i can't handle, it's someone pretending like they couldn't give two shits about me. oh, it just scares me. and makes me cry. which i HATE to do.

so when i burst into tears leaving her car on sat morning, it was a long time coming, and really, i couldn't help it.

as luck would have it, i think that's the only way to communicate to her that 'no, that REALLY hurts me when you act like that even when it has nothing to do with me. i'm supposed to make things better.' you know?

so, i cried, and instead of dropping me off, she came with me. (which was supposed to happen in the first place, but the passive aggressive words we had exchanged that morning left things less than desirable. i had stormed off to catch a bus (i missed it). i had to storm back and get a ride so i wouldn't be late to my parents house. i have never stormed off before! obviously it wasn't meant to be though. the storming off, that is).

and by the time we were on the northshore, i was buying her an iced coffee, my brother was harrassing her in that way only brother's can (that means he likes her. .) and we had made up. she aplogized. i apologized. and we spent the day restocking the beer cooler in the rain.

the rest of the day was wonderful (even though it involved my extended family) and we even got some shopping in. i am the proud new owner of an armband for my mp3 player so i can run for hours with tunes of my choice. wurd.

and then came the make up sex. but i digress.

let me just tell you this. always have a beer in hand while trying to construct any sort of grilling machine.

just sayin'. it goes with the territory.

last - next
