moments of brilliance [ 12 August 2002, 1:28 p.m. ]

that is what this seems to be. moments of brilliance spotting this normally calm, routine, happy, sad, content life. she brings out those moments of brilliance. don't get me wrong, there are most definitely moments of sadness and melancholy. but i know now. that there will always be another moment. of brilliance. to look forward too.

it all came in waves this week/weekend. waves of sadness and insecurity. waves of calmness and understanding. waves of happiness and pleasure. all culminating as we stood in front of actual waves. waves that crashed over our feet and ankles, splashing up to our knees. there were seals in the water, always just beyond where the waves started. we watched them fish and bob up and down. and we talked and laughed and smiled and touched.

and i knew. then. that this was a moment of brilliance. that this whole relationship is brilliant. and the waves chased us up the beach and into each others arms.

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