rejection wednesday [ 31 March 2005, 8:43 a.m. ]

so, yesterday was a banner day. my doctor told me my body mass index was too high, and my boss told me my last day of work will be May 6.

basically, i'm overweight and i'm fired.


the one good bit of news is that my elbow isn't broken. the bad part to this news is that it would probably heal faster if it were.

i'm pissed off on many levels. not so much about the weight thing- that was just some amusing icing. good thing i was down ten pounds from 2 months ago - phew! the work thing is really really pissing me off, though. it is so wrong, on so many different levels. it just doesn't make sense, and i'm going to try to get some answers today. bastards!

and finally - i. can't. fucking. believe. i. got. injured. AGAIN.

it's always something. i think i'm ignoring some signs from above - or below. or something.

at least i'm a loveable loser. i've got that going for me.


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