a card a day. . . [ 02 January 2004, 3:22 p.m. ]

happy 2004!

well, for once, a totally unplanned new years eve turned into a lot of fun. the first part was the run we went on that night. it was dark, and we ran along the beach. as we ran, there were fireworks going off in both directions. it was strange and noisy and inspiring as i chugged to the end.

then we planned on staying in and made lots of fun appetizers, but then were coerced into stopping by a small party. . .where we ended up staying until 2004. it was nice and low key, including pong outside and fun discussions inside. a random group of people showed up at almost midnight (well, ok, they knew the hostesses) but it created a loud HAPPY NEW YEAR atmosphere. the best part was that the girls passed out fun hats and noise makers and glasses of champagne to everyone. definitely the cutest touch to any NYE party i've held or attended.

so yeah. good times had by all. we got home late and snacked on all the food we didn't eat.

for a few years in college, my new years resolution was always to keep in better touch with people. because i'm bad at that. these are sad, but true details. but so, i would make a resolution to send out a card a day, for the year. needless to say, THAT never worked out, but i think it was my senior year when i lasted the longest. 5 months i think. though, the joys of intra-campus mail made it a very inexpensive task. free even. and no hassle of actually getting stamps.

i only bring that up because i always thought it was a great resolution, even though i never accomplished it. so, this year i'm setting my sights a little lower and am going to try for one card a month. (though i'll try to make it more. . .) i recently found a bunch of cards i've bought here and there to get started with. and i just got a card from b, who i've been thinking about lately. so maybe my first card of the month club card will go to her.


in other news, i'm completely addicted to playstation, though not as much as my girlfriend is. which is pretty bad. and after a few hours of playing, we can only snap at each other about the stupid game. _sigh_ at least it lets us practice our conflict management. since we have had little else to fight over recently. (which is a GOOD thing!:)

i'm going away with the fam in a few weeks, and it will be great to be someplace warm with no agenda. but i really don't know how i'll be able to leave A for that long. oh F.

anyway. back to work. it seems like a monday, so it's an added bonus that it's actually friday!


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