tell your story walking [ 11 November 2002, 4:19 p.m. ]

i feel like i have so much to say. yet no way to organize it all in my head. we had a great weekend. snowboarding in the wonderful 50+ (!?!) VT weather. the perfect ski day, really.

friends and beers. and being comfortable. for the first time in awhile. conversations with ourselves and roommates. a feeling of relief for me. trying to understand why she is so sadangryupset. i do understand now. and i can only hope that things resolve. learning that it's not All About Me. that's a tough lesson to sink in. but i think i'm finally getting it.

having more confidence in her confidence in me. realizing again and again that i will love her no matter what. and she me.

looking forward to fights and outings and cuddles and kisses. because. right now, for some reason. one of the most exciting things for me to think about is compromise. that no matter what, however angry sad confused indifferent we are, we will always be able to compromise. and really, that has to be what love is all about. working out differences for a common good. well, that and the silly grin that takes over my facial muscles whenever i think of her. and the way my heart jumps when she walks in a room. oh, and the way that she drives me crazy every time we touch. or kiss. it's just like the first time over and over and over.

i kinda like it.

naw. i Love it.

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