gotta get some gum, gotta get him some [ 25 February 2003, 3:53 p.m. ]

i need to send an email about a pub crawl i'm organizing for my rugby team. i want it to be funny and witty and clever. i am so not feeling it right now. so here i am. alas.

i have the tony hawk soundtrack running through my head. that may lend you a small insight into my addiction. one of the songs starts "it's important to practice good hygenie. . .if you want to run with my team". yes. important messages in these songs :)

i play boggle online. i think i may have a game addiction.

details. minor.

there are a lot of things going on now for me. sore muscles from working hard. stress from trying to balance my friend/girlfriend life. trying to reconnect with j. her birthday is tomorrow. maybe i will surprise her with lunch. it's sad, but she will never expect that. i am the mia bff lately. triathalon training with my hs girls! we're a crew. i love it that we are still tight. random random thoughts all in one paragraph now. this is what it all feels like. all crammed in to a small part of my life. the big open part of my life is all about rugby and a. right now. and i love it. i love the routine, i love the pace of my life now. no planning and organizing of groups. just relaxing. and playing with kittens.


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