all the roads we walk are winding [ 25 July 2002, 11:52 a.m. ]

i looked up and watched her. there was a bead of sweat running down my face, and dirt covered my elbows and knees. and i thought. wow. she is mine. the thought just overpowered me all at once. made me feel full and fuzzy and well, happy.

whether or not that statement is true could be up for debate. i'm neither here nor there lately. don't know if i'm coming or going. been spending most of my time just being. with her. and it's wonderful. and it just feels, so completely true. that she is mine. and i am hers.

"someday". she says. "someday it will be all okay."

and i have no choice but to believe her.

she holds me tight and makes me promise that i won't leave her. like that was even an option for me. she tells me she is trying. trying to make it better. she asks me. "it's all going to be okay, right?". and i can only say yes. because it will all be ok. in one way or another.

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