spend the night and i lose my mind [ 01 April 2003, 12:20 p.m. ]

i've been "googled" twice in the past two days. for the first time. one was for "no bounce, no play" which lead to an entry wherein i was having a complete mental breakdown and the other was for "'emontional attachment'song" which led to an entry where i talked about my psuedo ex- a girl who i platonically dated for a year.

it all just makes me kind of nervous. none of my friends know i write here. and to my knowledge, only a few people i know have even heard of this. but to be randomly found out. . .weird . . .

i don't know. this was mostly just started to deal with the overflowing emotions and drama involved with falling in love with someone i couldn't have. but. now. i have her. and i couldn't be happier. i have never experienced love like this. all the ups and downs and inbetweens. and i love all of it.

we colored on the plane together this weekend. and did crosswords. and i rubbed her neck, where she was hurt. we held hands under the blanket and smiled sleepily and sarcastically at each other when out plane was delayed for the 4th time in chicago.

and now. today. i find out that her roommate is thinking of moving out. and that. well. that would open up a place for me. for lack of anyone else needing housing in our group of friends. i wonder what will happen.

we've talked about it a million times. how much easier and cheaper it would be if i could live with her. but at the same time, i don't know if we're ready. even though my apartment is essentially my storage place. it's still nice to know it's all mine.

not to mention that whole allergic to cats thing. of which she has three. but i have come a long way in a year. dope me up baby!

interesting times ahead me thinks.

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