oh, love. [ 30 December 2002, 11:19 a.m. ]

sooo, england was a bust. kind of a long story, but for the best. word to the wise. . .always check your passport expiration date.

i was a half-hearted christmas participant, as i had done presents early with my family in anticipation of my departure. the pocket guidebook to london would have come too late anyway, k. but such a cute thought. i love my brothers.

left the fam to brave the wintery roads and find my girl. it was a trek, but well worth it.

i spent christmas night out in the snow. a LOT of snow. we played and made sleds of our snowboards. we made snow angels and kissed under the falling flakes. we went in for a beer and a nap, and were out again shoveling late so her dad could get to work in the AM.

she wore her helmet inside to crack me up.

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