buildings and bridges [ 2002-07-08, 4:56 p.m. ]

we were walking along the sidewalk, both concentrating on the heat and the fact that we were late.

her car was in the shop. we were going to pick it up.

crankiness abounded. we barely talked, though we hadn't seen each other all day. all business. she stressed about all the work she had to do, me worried about getting in my own car and driving 30 minutes to dinner, without her.

we started walking over the bridge. and the conversation turned to the soccer game that morning. the US won, i told her. her face lit up. she stopped walking, jumped up, grabbed my arm and shouted, "that's great!" in that way that she has. her entire face animated. we smiled at each other. huge grins. enveloped in the moment, tied to each other in a way only we can understand. i looked up. and there was a woman in a pink skirt walking our way. she had seen the whole interaction. and she had a huge smile on her face. it stayed there as she walked by us, she never taking her eyes off of the two girls enthusiastically gesturing and celebrating. a game. each other. we walked arm in arm after that. over the bridge.

what is it with bridges and a cute girl?

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