easy peasy lemon squeezy [ 27 August 2002, 11:44 a.m. ]

the summer is winding down and it seems everyone is stressing about something. moving, school starting. . .you name it.

i fall into the moving category. i stress because i procrastinate. i can't help it. it's in my nature. these are minor details. (that are creeping up on me)

so last night. in the middle of all the stress. we went to dinner. and talked about going to london for xmas. it was her idea. she brought it up and had a plan all laid out for when we would travel, for how long, etc. and damn, if i've never heard anything better.

she continues to amaze me. especially when i look at her face, finally relaxed, as she sleeps in my arms. i can't get enough.

i have the squirt gun look again today. for the love. i can't wait til this is over and things can be calm and open.

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