on pants. and stereotypes. [ 22 May 2003, 2:08 p.m. ]

i love the pants that i am wearing. brown and soft. i almost forgot i even had them. since i am home so rarely, i've taken to recycling through the same work outfits i have at the girl's place. i remember buying them last summer in ptown . . .ahh last summer. don't know if much can live up to that. we'll certainly try though!

i got my hair cut yesterday, like a good little judy. watch out ladies! (had to cut off the impending mullet before it pushed me into the next sweeping generalization category this weekend- though i HAD already planned to leave my fanny pack at home. my wifebeater and piercings too, for that matter.)

right. like we'll manage to get our butts off of the couch to go out this weekend. then again, maybe we will if we have to deal with s. all weekend. we won't let the closet door hit our ass on the way out of THAT situation.

there is potential for this to be a hectic, trying to get face time in with all the buddies weekend. . .but then again. . .maybe the rain will slow everyone down a little bit. since the drunken, baby dyke scene is not so much my speed any more. oh no. not so much.

i'm old before my time. and loving every minute of it :)

last year this juice could be found waving a flag in the window of a piano bar. where will the wiles of ptown take me this year? only time and levels of alcohol consumption will tell.

Happy long weekend!

(wait, is it only Thursday?)


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