it's friday [ 05 March 2004, 12:14 p.m. ]

another new layout. the other one was too grey and depressing for me. alas.

so. yeah. florida was fun. and funny. i love my teammates. we went swimming in the ocean sunday night and it was warmer than the air. go figure. we always bring the worst weather with us on trips.

i tried the new 'diet coke with lime' yesterday. i was surprisingly impressed. i just hate diet coke, so it could have been better.

it's funny to see people running for the bus. i don't know why. it just is. not like i haven't done it myself. i have.

i am about to start a new book. devil in the white city. we're going to have a reading ruggers book club. woo! i got my library card yesterday. i am good to go.

b. is in town and i feel like i'm a bad friend because i have to work all day. and then it's tired time after work. oh well. she's ok. we're going to see the vagina monologues tonight. good times.

apparently i have nothing interesting to say. F.

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