there will always be room for your hand in mine [ 06 July 2006, 2:50 p.m. ]

so, the birth of our country. it was a LONG weekend full of yard work, family and grilled meats. as a surprise for the landlords (and a dock in rent), we decided to pack our green thumbs into gardening gloves and weed, mow, rake, plant and creatively brick the front yard into a neighborhood paradise. 9 hours over 2 days was poured into this project and i must say, it does look good. whoever knew even a small yard was so hard to keep up. man. i am not normally the yardwork type, so my lady took me out to dinner and large blueberry beers by the water as a reward. i'm a lucky one.

my brother had the fam over for a bbq on monday, and we brought ice cream pie. i love me some ice cream pie. i've already requested it as my birthday dinner. we hung out, rode his hoopty bikes around the neighborhood and ended the night with a homemade fireworks display. impressive and a fitting celebration. the next morning, the 4th, we headed up to NH to visit with a's fam. she had some cousins over that she hadn't seen in like 16 years. it was awkward, to say the least. luckily her little neice was there, so we camped out outside playing basketball and searching in the dirt for "crystals". needless to say, i came home with a pocket full of rocks.

that afternoon, we went to a friend's house and ate our third bbq feast in two days. we also decided to try our hand at some "rugby" beirut - combining the college beer soaked nostalgia with our current habits. a and i took 8 games in a row before being beat in a tie breaker. it was really lucky we lost, though, seeing as how a was literally falling over after every shot (and still somehow sinking them!). drunk drunk drunk. i think we were on the table for 4 hours straight. details.

yesterday morning came soon and brought a headache with it, but i still soldiered on to work, of course leaving a little early to catch the end of the soccer game.

thus the ending of the longest weekend ever.

didn't get to read much, but i did finish the penderwicks at lunch today. a very cute book!

b and b come this weekend! yay! british lovin!

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